Wednesday 27 January 2016

Question 3 Evaluation By Alex Barker

With our audience we had to consider if our film would appeal to the audience Luke went round and ask the audience on their opinion of the title, the storyline and the themes if it would work.

The majority of our audience said title was effective because it is short, easy to remember and it gives a mystery on what the film is about.
They agreed with our character Death should wear dark clothing (modern) that will make his identity a mystery to the audience and make him more intriguing.
They like the idea of an hourglass been used as a prop to signify time counting like life. However many of our audiences thought the storyline was too confusing and needed to be simplified. With Sound they believed that it needed to be kept in the background as a quiet tone so that it would not distract the dialogue between our characters. many thought that our organisation of our storyboard and the script was well thought.

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