Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Question 2 Evaluation By Alex Barker

When it comes to the ancillary tasks I believe as a group we all worked well together on our overall project. We gave ideas and advice to each other when it need. Our target audience was 15 to 25 men and women I believe the final poster would have gained that audience as it intrigued fans of drama and has the concepts of social life circumstances The purpose for the poster was to give a mystery of the short film to the audience making them want to see what the film is about.

Our short film can marketed by a variety of ways such as:

Social media – Because of our target audience, young adult males and females aged 15-25 the majority use social media websites like Facebook and Twitter for information and contact. Furthermore this will spread awareness by friends telling friends which attempts to get more people involved in watching our film

Film festivals by using our short film into a film festival it will have a wider recognition due to fans of film will be interested in watching our project
The Poster is able to give attention-getting ways of giving information to a passer-by. by making our poster appear strong its able to give information about the theme and style of our film allowing the passer-by to be interested
The Review gives awareness and also gives readers a chance to understand the style and concept of our film we took the influence from our review design by Little White Lies  as they are very graphic and specific on their review of design and written work. We have screenshot from the film to put at the top of the review and layed out where the text,title and review should be

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