Monday 18 January 2016

evaluation Q3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?


Audience Names
Male character
Female character
Overall film idea
Matt H
“I think using a male character to play death will work better in a sense of the audience will be more afraid.”
I think using the idea that the old woman is still alive is very clever. However I still think that it needs to be clearer on how you are going to show death.
Gilly H
“I would have liked to see women to play the role of death in a women’s point of view. However, I think that using a male will represent death better because he will have a bigger presence.”
I would say that the film is quite sad in a way that someone has died. However, I think that using the women’s memories to show her life is a good way to let the audience know what will happen at the end.
Amy H
I like the idea of a woman playing the character because I think this will surprise the audience of the appearance of death. This could also symbolise that death could be anyone.”
“Overall film idea I would say its interesting contrasting death a human, but also the women is still alive in her head.  If this is shown correctly I think this will be a fantastic film.”
Jack R
“The representation of death is to be a male. So I think this would be more suitable to do then having a female playing the character.”
“I think the whole film will be interesting if filmed right. My only concern is how you are going to show death in the film.”
Amy R
“I think having the female character playing death will give the audience enigma when watching the film. They will be surprise because they think that death would be more of a manly scale”.
I love how it’s based in the nans how’s. This will give more of a sense of realism to the short film.


This, I put on the blog so that as a group we could find out who should be the best person to play death in our film. This example showed that more people would prefer death as the male character. The reason why I chose this for this question was because I think that this was the turning point on how the film was supposed to go. By getting this feedback we used this to then to grow the story of the film knowing that the audience would enjoy it. Also without the feedback we couldn’t of make the fatal chose on the character. This then could of made the film worse and the audience might not of liked it. This was a risk we didn’t want to take!

Other ideas like costume and the name of the film was also asked to the audience so that we could send a message to the audience of what the story is about but not giving as much away.

Lastly we asked the audience about our two story lines, this was one of the most important research and planning we had to do. Without the data showing what would be the best short film to make then we would have never had the knowledge of what would be best for our audience.  

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