Wednesday 13 January 2016

Question 2 evaluation kayla

I feel as though all our ancillary tasks work well together as an overall project. If marketed in real life media the poster would have intrigued the right target audience as our film has a mysterious feel similarly to my poster as I tried to make the antagonist seem unknown with his positioning as you can only see half of his face this also creates enigma much like the film. My marketing strategy was to keep any slight hint to the films storyline off the poster IE not include a slogan or any quotes from the review I purposely did this as the audience would see a 5 star rating and know it had to be a good film but not know how it was good and why so it would make them want to find out even more about the story behind the man in the suit.

There is only a slight tinge of colour to our poster from the grass but other than that I kept the saturation quite low as the character of death is quite dark and so I didn’t want to add too much colour as the darkness reflects him as a character again this ties the film and the poster together as the colour pallet reflects the storyline of our film and the idea that he’s come to take the old womens last few moments of her life so there’s only a tiny bit of colour left.

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