Friday 15 January 2016

Question 2 Evaluation - Claire

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary tasks?


Script –


Through our ancillary tasks of making a poster to promote our short film, The Man in the Suit, we all took similar approaches to present our film, a figure of our character Death was pushed to the surface, along with the hour glass. For my approach to the poster I took the idea of making the whole background to look like sand falling in different patterns, I thought it would draw in enigma and be very eye catching so our audience would want to look at it and it would draw them in to watch our short film because they would be intrigued by the unusual approach. I also wanted to add our hourglass as a key representation for our short film, so I made the box of the hour glass the centre piece and main picture of my poster. I put the title of our film, the billing block, our star rating and our actor’s names. I thought putting our short film name on the hour glass box would should a direct link to our film as the titling font is the same which would click in the audiences head like a subliminal message.


Many posters use a key feature such as a prop or a main character for the centred piece of their poster and the same font for their titling which links their film and poster together, we also used this technique to link our film and poster together. We wanted to be conversional and make our film look sophisticated by putting it together in all aspect with the appropriate construction and codes.

1 comment:

  1. Clare overall, I can see a Q 1 and 2. your link to Q3 doesn't work. can you sort this ASAP.
    There is no Q4? Can you give me an explanation tomorrow please.

    Well done on the rest. I can still accept a Q4 but it will be penalised, but still worth it.
