Monday 21 September 2015

The black hole - Kayla - Media language

The black hole- media language

The film starts of with the diegetic sound of a photocopier copying paper and the title “the black hole” appears. A circle around the title reveals the setting and it’s a dark low-key lit office. The editor used a circle to reveal the setting as it relates to the storyline and what’s the come later on in the film as the black hole is black circle on a piece of paper.

The camera tracks in the dim office and stops when it reaches a man. The first impression of the man is that he dislikes his job. As the camera settles on him he sighs, as he is clearly frustrated and bored. The mans hair is scruffy and his shirt is creased with rolled sleeves.

The lighting is dark similar to the colour of the scene as it has very little colour this could mean its late in the day. The man is alone in the office and clearly just wants to go home.

 There is a cut and we see him press the photocopier, when the shot goes back to the man he rolls his eyes. Within the first 16 seconds of the film his character already has an impatient personality. There is then a CU of the man kicking the photocopier to emphasise the fact he is impatient and frustrated.

 Then it cuts to a MS of the man standing next to the photocopier, the man is slouching over the photocopier with a displeased facial expression.

The photocopier prints something and as its being printed the camera is focused on it. It’s a black circle on a piece of paper.

There is a match on action of the man drinking but instead of having two normal different shots the editor has made it seem as though the hole can see him as it shows him from ‘inside’ the hole by cutting the edge of the frame into a circle shape giving this illusion.

Macintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-08-11 at 11.00.55.png

As the man realises what the black circle is the editing frequency speeds up representing his heartbeat, as he is excited and most probably scared.
When he touches the black circle there is a non-diegetic sound that creates the atmosphere. The sound is quite sinister and sounds like something spacey or alien like.

There is a CU shot of the man chewing a chocolate bar and the sound of him chewing is heightened to emphasise his greed when eating it. We are positioned close to the man’s face as this is the moment he realises how much power he has, he almost looks evil.

Macintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 21.37.50.png

As the man opens the door to an even dark room the light flickers giving it a sinister feel. The lighting is low key and so half his face is hidden by a shadow.

The editing frequency speeds up drastically to mimic his heart beat speeding up as he must get a thrill from all the power he has.

There’s a slight jump cut when the man is taking money from the safe to communicate the idea he is moving fast and hasn’t stopped taking money clearly to further more emphasise his greed.


1 comment:

  1. A good analysis Kayla - you are getting textual analysis now.
    Your pictures have not imported - talk to your technician and find out what the problem is.

    Posts generally - vary font size and perhaps colour - different colours for each of the codes - orange for sound and so on!
    Level 3

