Monday 21 September 2015

Love field - Kayla Jennifer - Narrative

Love field – narrative

Throughout the film we are lead to believe the genre of the film is horror through codes and conventions used. Restricted narration is also used throughout the film to create enigma. Boardwell and Thompsons narrative theory is relevant to this film as the plot of the film is completely different from the storyline up until we are told what is really going on. If there was no ending to the film the plot would assumingly be that a man has raped and murdered a women in a field due to the codes used.

The setting is a cornfield. The lighting and colour used are dark and grey to create an eerie feel. The non-diegetic sound is a tense string soundtrack stereotypically used in horrors or thrillers.

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There is ambient sound of the corn moving in the wind and then we hear the sound of a sign squeaking to add to the eeriness of the scene. As the camera pans up onto the road sign we see a crow. Crows are usually used in films if something bad is going to happen, as they are a sign of death.

Macintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 17.41.48.png Macintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 17.42.00.png

The film continues to portray a horror and the diegetic sound of a women crying is heard and slowly gets louder as the camera reveals her belongings lying on the floor. We then see something with her blood on. All of the things revealed on the floor are a build up to the climax of the film. Over the women’s crying is the non-diegetic violin soundtrack which is getting louder and louder to create more of an atmosphere as the violins reach there loudest they suddenly stop and there is a long tense pause before we see a hand stab a bloody knife into the ground.

Macintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 17.48.33.png Macintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 17.49.04.png

Together with the lighting and sound this is most probably a thriller/horror to any audience who stops it here.

There is a close up of the assumed murderer so we can see how nervous and panicky he feels about whatever it is that he is doing. From the shots used his heartbeat is clearly fast similar to the editing frequency.

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The film changes within seconds as the man takes a baby from the women we assumed was dead. The change in plot is done through many codes. Once we are told the whole story the lighting and colour become brighter and the non-diegetic sound is no longer a string based soundtrack but a piano soundtrack with a happier feel to it. The characters exchange dialogue and we are now made aware that the man is not the villain but the hero.

Macintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 17.57.36.pngMacintosh HD:Users:KaylaJennifer:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 17.57.57.png

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