Monday 28 September 2015

Idea's that were rejected - Claire and Luke

Rejected idea's -

  • We planned to see their whole life but we changed it due to finding that many actors and with a similar look, so now we're just showing her last 5-10 minutes of life.

  • We've changed our original character from an elderly man to and elderly lady due to not being able to find an elderly man to play the character. 

  • In previous projects we have used people from the group to act, this time we won't be so everyone can be fully involved in the practical work the whole way through. 

  •  We were originally planning to film in public, but we changed our minds to a house to show the main characters life, and what they're like also so we didn't have any problems with being allowed to film in public and pedestrians making a scene or being in the way. 

  • we changed the location from one of the groups houses to Kayla's Grandma's house so we didn't become lazy and not work, and so it had all the necessary props and elements needed; old tea sets, picture frames of the family and vintage furniture. 

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