Monday 23 November 2015

Permission to film


  1. Where are your Film Poster research analysis.
    Your blog overall is very disappointing.
    Some of you still have to do the initial film research, now no poster research?
    Why go to all the hard work in crafting a film when you throw these easy marks away.
    Some of you are going to struggle to get out of level one at this rate - that would be around 5 marks out of 20!
    There is still time but you have to start to do work outside of the class, even when in class some of you are doing very little.
    Please get some work done here.

  2. Also go back to that long list that I wrote for you over a month ago - very little of that has been completed.

  3. Your blog is very very underdeveloped.
    Cant really see anything about editing at al?
    Only one of you has published film research.
    Poster design?
    LWL research?

    If this continues and your blog ends up as it is, you are not going to get out of level one for your planning. Seems a ridiculous waste of easy marks.
