Monday 16 November 2015

Audio Selection For Short Film

We used Soundcloud to find out what was the best music track that would fit in our short film.

The ones we have chosen are:

Dafydd Bullock

When listening to Dafydd Bullock's peice of music i feel this doesnt link to our short film. Originally we thought that it would link with our short film due to the relaxing tone it has. However when we played the music next to the short film we found that they did not flow well together. This is due to the lack of egnima that led to this track to not work for the short film. This is because the enigima does not come through the track due to the strong relaxtion it gives off. Futhermore the purpose of the music was to create the connection of the charaters to our target audienceas this is vital when creating a short film. The reason for this is that we only have a certain amount of time to bring this connection between the film and the audience, so it is vital that the track and film work well together.


When listening to Hummel's soundtrack we felt that it they were both on the same style of music of classical they both different as Hummel's track of tempo is slower compared Dafydd. Because of the track been slow this did not meet to our expectations. Our expecations for picking the music is that it needs to flow well with the film, its needs to be able to create the link of the film to the audience and it needs to create the specific mood of our film which consist of themes such as death and memories. Originally we thought it would link with the film due to its tone. However it was not able to beacuase of its tempo being slow this made the film and the specific track not flow well with each other. In conclusion it was a potential track but due to its slow sound it was not the final outcome of music for our film.

Alexander Krichel

When listening to Alexander Krichel's soundtrack we felt that this calming track did not fit well to the fil. The reason for this is because the music gave differnent mood to what we expected. However what I liked about thetrack was that the combination of the orchestra and piano makes the soundtrack flow well together. But the tone when put next to the film made the film not connect well.

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