Tuesday 10 November 2015

Lovefield - Alex Barker

 Lovefield (2008) PosterLovefield (Ratthe)

The extract begins with an extreme longshot of a cornfield. The camera then pans across to a cell phone, money and a purse are dispersed on the land and a woman with blood on the foot is crying in pain. From this we then begin to realise this is a thriller as it uses conventions of a thriller such as the blood on the woman hand and feet all shown in extreme close-up to give enigmas on who she is. By the use of these conventions you begin to see Ricky Altman’s theory. Another example of a convention is with the woman screaming as the camera tracks down non diegetic of intense music begins to play to increase suspense. It varieties from the convention from diegetic music of the wind to adding tension music. The next shot then begins to show a sign of the location with a crow. I believe the director chose the crow to signify danger as that is what a crow is usually signified as a threat. Also when the shots of the crow are focused on him with the background being blurred to again signify the danger.
He runs to a car that has been left on the road with the driver door opened and nervous. We know that he is nervous due to his body language and facial expressions of him looking around as if he doesn’t want anyone to see him.

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