Wednesday 14 October 2015

To do list - Luke Harrison

Making this to do list for the group so we make sure we get all task done and knowing what we have to do.

Video risk assessment of the house

Granny permission (so we could use the house)

Sound files of church music, the war ect...

Lighting tutorial- film riot

 Experiment- hour glass and sand falling through

Experiment bright white light in production

Images of cups and sources
Photos of past - experiment - using ideas from prisoners wives

Foley doorbell

Continual audience feedback- what people like

1 comment:

  1. The to do list was written last week - very little is complete.

    At this point you can be graded for your research and planning. Remember that you get an individual grade.

    Kayla - Initial research = level 2. Still 4 films missing.
    Alex - Initial research - Level 1 - No films and only 2 of summer homework.
    Claire - Initial research - No summer homework and only 1 of 5 new films. Level 1
    Luke - No 5 films. Level 2

    You can still upload these, however you will lose be deducted time management marks because you missed the deadline. It is however, very much in your interest to post the missing work and to ensure that you get into level 3 (which should be possible).

    There is still a lot of detail missing. You do have some inventive posts regarding how you deliver the post - animatic is good, the post on today's experiment when posted will be good, the post on audience research is good. However a lot is missing - permissions, risk assessments, many posts need some context explaining its relevance, the title posts don't have any analysis, nothing on sound, Costume and character need to be explored, props of the photos, how you will do the memory scenes etc. If you can get all of these completed to a good standard, you can increase your grade. At present, due to the incomplete nature, this will get level 2 for planning - with more work you can easily increase this grade.

    Let me view your footage tomorrow and listen to the dialogue. I can assess it and see if it is good enough. If I suggest you reshoot parts or all, don't be resistant. remember that we are simply trying to ensure that you reach your true potential.
