Monday 12 October 2015

Audience Feedback

Before we started to film our short 5 minute film, we as a group needed to have audience feedback to see if we can make any improvements on the film before we started filming.  The data that I gathered was from across different classes and a variation of different age groups around Crawley and Hayward's Heath.

These where are results

Audience Names
Male character
Female character
Overall film idea
Matt H
“I think using a male character to play death will work better in a sense of the audience will be more afraid.”
I think using the idea that the old woman is still alive is very clever. However I still think that it needs to be clearer on how you are going to show death.
Gilly H
“I would have liked to see women to play the role of death in a women’s point of view. However, I think that using a male will represent death better because he will have a bigger presence.”
I would say that the film is quite sad in a way that someone has died. However, I think that using the women’s memories to show her life is a good way to let the audience know what will happen at the end.
Amy H
I like the idea of a woman playing the character because I think this will surprise the audience of the appearance of death. This could also symbolise that death could be anyone.”
“Overall film idea I would say its interesting contrasting death a human, but also the women is still alive in her head.  If this is shown correctly I think this will be a fantastic film.”
Jack R
“The representation of death is to be a male. So I think this would be more suitable to do then having a female playing the character.”
“I think the whole film will be interesting if filmed right. My only concern is how you are going to show death in the film.”
Caitlin K
“I think having the female character playing death will give the audience enigma when watching the film. They will be surprise because they think that death would be more of a manly scale”.
I love how it’s based in the nans how’s. This will give more of a sense of realism to the short film.

The results show that more of the audience has preferred us to use a male character in the short film.

1 comment:

  1. Good.
    To complete the post and process, you should indicate how this has influenced your decision making
